Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Blogroll Updated

I have updated my blogroll to reflect several blogs that have become daily reads. I am still messing with the format here, since the big changes I made over the holidays. After I had made those changes, my blog feed wasn't showing up on Waldo's Virginia Political Blogroll, so I contacted him. I thank him again here for his help and his wonderful contributions to the Virginia Blogosphere.

I added six blogs. I deleted the listing for Norm's OMT (RIP).

If you don't see your blog here, then leave a message or send me an email, and I may add you.

I guess other than these houskeeping chores, I am still basking in the glow of the speech by the junior Senator from Virginia last night in response to the SOTU speech.

Congratulations Senator Webb, we always knew you would be good at this. And keep up the good work.


Beltway Progressive said...

Thanks so much for your votes of confidence on Raising Kaine.


Mark Brooks said...

Thank you so much, Andrea. It means a lot that you commented here. I don't get too many comments, probably because I post everywhere else more than I do here.

Thanks again.

Mark Brooks

Charlie Bishop said...

I don't see I'm Not Emeril on that blogroll. But then again, I guess I never will. Thankfully.